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Below you will find your additional information that will help with your physical and nutritional goals and targets

Below you will find physical and nutritional resources that you may find to be beneficial to your own personal development and journey.


Please note, whilst this information is available for you to use and implement, you should always consult your doctor before making any physical or nutritional changes to your lifestyle.​


Share your progress in our private Slack group by clicking the link below

where Matt and the specialist trainers Mark & Luke, from LIFT Studios, London

will be on hand to answer any specific questions you have

and/or give you any feedback you may require.

Please click to view below:



Click the resource as you see fit and browse the different options available to you:


Physical Resources Available:


5km Running Training Plan:

10km Running Training Plan:

Half Marathon Running Training Plan:



Physical 20min Workout Plan:



Yoga Sessions (10-25mins):



Nutritional Resources Available:


Health & Nutrition Resource: Click here





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